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Engaging Content

Tips on Creating an Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign

For a social media campaign to viral it is best to work with influencer within your niche. Your campaign will gain that initial momentum when starting to trend, gaining views, developing organic content, searches, and clicks to your website. If you have never participated in influencer marketing before, here are some starting tips:  ?Define Goal …

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12 Game-Changing Ways to Improve Your Content Marketing Strategy

Whether you are a small business or corporate enterprise it is important for you as a business to understand your unique value position. Define your audience and create user personas to narrow down who to address in your marketing material. Know your keywords and write amazing informative content that your potential client can’t resist to …

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Improve your content marketing with 7 Easy Steps

According to, 87% of B2B marketers use email campaigns, with 77% of the content being educational. Customers like to educate themselves on solutions to their problems. Create content that teaches, informs, and inspires these customers to pick your product or service. states that 84% of people decide to buy a product or service after watching …

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How brands can take advantage of existing social media trends to drive traffic to their website

Recreate Trending Content: Getting your brand involved in culturally relevant movements can be achieved by recreating a trending piece of content on your company’s social media account. Make sure to put your own or a new spin on your product or message to give it a more authentic feel. Tik Tok’s discovery tab is a …

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How & Why You Must Improve or Remove Your Old Content

Keeping your website content updated is imperative when your goal is to drive traffic, improve search visibility, maintain customer engagement, and convert the audience to paying clients. Search engines such as Google prioritizes easily accessible and useful information. Back in 2016, the web was made up of about 130 trillion individual pages, but the Google …

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10 Common Myths About Content Marketing

Content marketing is currently undervalued and misunderstood among the business world. Often companies’ use only a blog, but there are many ways to include content in marketing strategies.  Your goal with content should be to help your users. When you give valuable information, you get a lot in return (potential client or loyal follower). Here are 10 …

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