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WordPress Websites are Perfect for Freelancers

WordPress Websites are Perfect for Freelancers

According to the State of the Word address, 25% of survey participants make their living from WordPress. as from January 2015 to 2022 have over 243,161 WordPress projects completed. That’s a total value of $60,571,205. The most successful Envato Power Elite author has sold over 100,000 copies of one theme alone. With WordPress being the most requested skill in the world according to Sketch Themes, having your business’ website built in WordPress makes freelancers able to create a website that can accomplish both informative and commerce service goals. Over 90% of people build more than one site with the average salary for WordPress jobs being $61,349. 

Starting off prices are reasonable. The average WordPress developer usually charges $50 per hour. $1,000 is what a person usually pays for a full site design when starting out their business. However, custom-built WordPress websites can cost anything between $1,000 and $100,000. This gives your business room to grow without sacrificing the budget from other areas of your business. WordPress has a plethora of free to low-cost Plugins to help cut costs when needed. This helps freelance businesses still run smoothly no matter the economic state in your area. 

Start your freelance career today with a WordPress website. Call 248.528.3600

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