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How to Build an SEO Strategy for your New Website

How to Build an SEO Strategy for your New Website

Here are 10 essential steps to build an SEO Strategy for your new website: 

  1. Pick the right domain name
    • Align your brand name with your domain name
  2. Choose a high-quality website hosting provider 
    • Your host’s speed impacts your site’s performance
  3. Set up Google Search Console 
    • Verify GSC so it collects important SEO performance data.
    • Items to check regularly:
      • Page speed issues
      • Organic keywords that bring in website clicks
      • Your average click through rate (CTR)
      • Sitemap submission
      • Crawl and index errors
      • Page performance
  4. Study your search competition 
    • Identify companies who sells similar content, & have keyword rankings 
    • How is their company similar to yours? 
    • How is it different? Check out their unique selling points.
    • What topics do they write about?
    • What keywords are they already ranking for?
    • Add your root domain vs your chosen competitor root domains
    • Review the competitor overlap & shared keywords.
    • Export into a spreadsheet & filter for the keywords that are relevant for your website. 
  5. Research keywords & create a keyword map 
    • Cluster & map your keywords onto a spreadsheet
    • Search intent & the buyer journey:
      • Awareness stage > Consideration stage > Decision stage
      • Does the keyword truly match my product or service?
      • Does the keyword match questions that customers have asked (or might ask) throughout their buying journey?
      • What is the keyword’s difficulty? (level of competition to rank for that keyword)
      • What is the search volume of the keyword?
      • What page types appear in the SERPs for this keyword? 
  6.  Build a strategic content calendar (and keep posting) 
    • Turn keyword map into your content 
      • Prioritize sections of your keyword map
      • Optimize your content
      • Track your keyword rankings
      • Post consistently
  7. Follow your URL structure 
    • Stick to the URL structures you’ve outlined in the keyword map & use keywords in the URL
  8. Review Core Web Vitals & Page Experience
    • Check if your website passes CWV & review users engagement metrics
  9. Observe accessibility 
    • Regularly review indexing issues & design your website with the appropriate font and image size. 
    • Include these items:
      • Optimize alt text in images (for screen readers)
      • Use enough contrast (make sure your colors are easy on the eye)
      • Correctly label elements like buttons
      • Make your font size big enough to read
  10. Promote Regularly 
    • Increase your SEO performance by promoting your content across other marketing channels. 
    • Think about paid traffic for the first few months 

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