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Googlebot & How It Works

Googlebot & How It Works

Googlebot is a web crawler used by Google to gather information from news, images, and videos needed and build a searchable web index on mobile and desktop. It sees websites as users in the latest Chrome browser. The bot’s machines determine how fast and what websites to crawl. 

Google’s Search Index:

URLs > Crawl Queue > Crawler > Processing >Render Queue > Renderer > Rendered HTML > Index 

Google collects from various sources such as pages, sitemaps, RSS feeds, and URLs submitted in Google Search Console or the Index API. It organizes what it wants to crawl, collects the pages, and stores copies. The pages are processed to find links to API requests, JavaScript, and CSS that allows Google to render it. Additional requests get crawled and cached. Google uses the rendering to view pages similar to how a user would. It does this process repeatedly looking for any changes or new links and stores the content. This is what makes a website searchable in Google’s index. 

 Get your website crawler-ready! Call 248.528.3600

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