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7 Top WordPress Trends You Should Watch

7 Top WordPress Trends You Should Watch

WordPress powers around 43% of all websites, making it the most popular content management solution. WordPress’s success is due to its flexibility and ease of use for many kinds of websites for different marketplaces. Here are trends that will shape the entire WordPress ecosystem: 

  1. Headless WordPress 

In 2021, WP Engine conducted a study that revealed that 64% of enterprise respondents already use headless technology. The benefits of a headless WordPress setup are:

  • Better Performance 
  • Improved Flexibility 
  • Better Security  

2. No-Code WordPress Development  

No-code platforms are taking more space in the development world. With the help of visual page builders like Elementor and plugins like WooCommerce for e-commerce, WordPress allows you to have a fully functional website or shop in days and at a fraction of the cost you would spend to build it from scratch. This will also help if your company is the one maintains it after it is built. 

3. WordPress for SaaS 

SaaS products have various use cases for B2B and B2C clients, including automating tasks, streamlining business workflows, adding new functionalities, or providing an alternative to expensive custom-coded options. 

4. WordPress for E-Commerce  

According to a Statista report, WooCommerce is the second leading e-commerce platform (after Squarespace) with a 23.43% market share worldwide. The e-commerce software application market is forecast to grow to approximately $6.3 billion by 2023, and WooCommerce. Over 1,000 WooCommerce plugins are listed in the official WordPress plugins repository, and on CodeCanyon, a popular premium plugins marketplace, over 1,300 WooCommerce plugins are available to purchase. 

5. Gutenberg Enhancement 

With every WordPress version update, it got a lot of new features, and many bugs have been resolved. Gutenberg 11.9 introduced improvements to the site editor in preparation for full site editing. FSE will change how users design and develop WordPress websites using Gutenberg blocks to post content and edit the website elements like the header, footer, menus, and sidebars.


6. Performance Improvements 

Code contributors from Yoast and Google outlined the need that WordPress should have a coordinated approach toward improving performance and proposed creating a performance team. In 2202, according to Search Engine Journal, expect improvements, new features and updates related to the following key areas:

  • Images
  • JavaScript And CSS
  • Themes/Plugin Requirements


7. Accessibility Improvements 

Make your website and its content available for all people, whatever their device, software configuration, language barriers, location, or level of ability. When a site that passes all the accessibility tests, all users have equal access to its functionality and content. This may also be a legal requirement in many territories.


Need help implementing these steps? Call 248.528.3600. 

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