5 Items to Consider Before Using Paid Social Ads

5 Items to Consider Before Using Paid Social Ads

Using social ads is a great way to market your business. Before you go straight to paid social ads consider what makes an ad impactful and how can it be optimized to perform the best on the social platforms you are on. Here 5 questions to ask before you commit your business to using paid social ads:

1. Do you stick to the recommended character limit when writing your ad copy? 

Character counts can be frustrating when you have a complex message to get across, but it is important that you stick to the limit. Narrow down what you want to say, so it reads clearly and precisely. If you are really struggling with narrowing down essential details, cut it off at an interesting point. Then add a call-to-action and link to your company’s blog or landing page. Sticking to the character limit makes it easier for the social platforms’ algorithm to recognize you and prioritize your business as a subject matter authority. 

2. Does this ad work for mobile users? 

Most social media users are on their phone when interacting with a platform. Make sure your ad is optimized for mobile. This means company logo, text, and images all must be recognizable at a small size. Different platforms have different sizes for video and picture layouts. You may want to have a few landscape and portrait versions of the ad so nothing important is cut off. 

3. Are the image and copy aligned with the goal of the ad?

Make sure your photos or illustrations match what your body copy is about. For example, if you are a dress boutique and your goal is to attract more people to your website. Have a photo of one of your dresses. Then add text. Your text might be something like this:

“This dress and other beautiful dresses like it are now available on our amazing online shop!”

Another example for a service-based company is say that you are a law firm, and your goal is to gain more bookings. You may use flat icon illustrations of the type industries that need your services. Then add text like this:

“We provide the best lawyers to help your business. Book now for your first free 30-minute consulting secession.”

4. Does your ad have a CTA wording on a button or link?

CTA stands for call to action. Social media platforms such Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have built in call-to-action features that allow you to add to your post. You still need to design an ad that contains CTA for platforms that do not have built in features. Some basic CTA samples that you can as links or buttons are:

  • Learn More
  • Buy Now
  • Purchase Here
  • Book Now
  • Order Online Today
  • Sign Up Today
  • Call Now
  • Get Started 
  • Contact Us
  • Let’s Chat 

5. Is your ad directed towards the correct audience? 

Even if your imagery and body copy are well-designed and written, this means nothing if the correct audience doesn’t see it. Make sure SEO best practices are included. This means important keywords are included in your body copy and hashtags. Setting features on a lot of platforms have features such as alt tags, meta description, and location tags. Make sure that these are all tailored based on your target audience. You want to make sure your ad has maximum reach. 

Struggling creating an effective social ad? Let us do it for you. Call 248.528.3600.

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