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Industrial Website Development

10 Fundamental UI Design Principles You Need to Know for Your Website 

Effective user interface (UI) design is about removing as many obstacles, bottlenecks, stumbling blocks, and potential causes of confusion as possible from the user experience. This is extremely important for users to stay on your website.  The aim is to create an experience that all users find fluid and intuitive to navigate that will keep them …

10 Fundamental UI Design Principles You Need to Know for Your Website  Read More »

14 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best for Creating Websites

Building a website is the first step to starting an online business. There are many options out there, but here are 14 reasons why WordPress is the best content management system option for your business’s website: 1. WordPress is Everywhere WordPress is used by more than 60% of all the CMS websites and more than …

14 Reasons Why WordPress is the Best for Creating Websites Read More »

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack

Earlier this month, Cloudflare’s systems automatically detected and mitigated one of the largest HTTPS DDoS attacks on record, a 15.3 million request-per-second DDoS attack. HTTPS attacks are more expensive in terms of required computational resources due to the higher cost of establishing a secure TLS encrypted connection. Translation, it costs the attacker more to launch …

Cloudflare blocks 15M rps HTTPS DDoS attack Read More »

What B2B website visitors need from you!

Your B2B website strategy boils down to figuring out what your current and potential customers want online and then meeting that desire online. As more small businesses continue to launch or upgrade their Web presence, we’ll have to learn a few things in order to maximize that digital migration. You have to prepare your website and …

What B2B website visitors need from you! Read More »

Just because you can build a website yourself should you?

Ten years ago, building a quality e-commerce website was a highly expensive proposition. You had to hire an outside firm to do it. Today, businesses can use any number of open-source platforms to build a complex, yet relatively inexpensive website. But just because you can do it yourself, should you? I say no. It’s too …

Just because you can build a website yourself should you? Read More »

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