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New Year NEW Website. How do I know if I need a new website?

New Year NEW Website. How do I know if I need a new website?

That’s right, it’s that time of year again.  Enter the panic.  So much to do so little time…

It’s funny how the end of the year has the ability to put our annual to-do list into perspective, with a spotlight on what we should do, but inevitably put off until later….next month….next year…never mind.  We’ve all been there.

Whether you’re a New Year’s resolution type person or not – we’ve all got one eye on what comes next, if your anything like me its looking for way that I can improve my business and personal life.

Keeping up with technology and expectations for our businesses online is a daunting task.  With the countless Google Updates and social media posts and articles about the next must-have for websites, one could spend all their time self-educating, and never get anything done.   And frankly, if your list looks anything like mine, you have enough to do already.

Here are 5 reasons you should invest in redeveloping your website:

  1. Your website offers a poor experience to users on the move
  2. Your visitors can’t easily find what they need or complete an action on your website.  “Contact me NOW”  “Buy Now”
  3. The content on your website isn’t communicating the right message anymore.
  4. You aren’t using video on your website (be unique and different instead of writing about your process..SHOW THEM!)
  5. You don’t have a clear ‘digital strategy’.  Your website is the centerpiece for all of your digital marketing it should be your first priority!
  6. Your website isn’t RESPONSIVE.  Responsive web design responds to the needs of the users and the hand held devices they’re using. The layout changes based on the size and capabilities of that specific device.

I believe in educating my clients and letting them know what the latest trends in technology are available and how it may or may not fit within their business growth model.   This allows you to focus on you and your daily task of running your business.

If you’re interested in updating your website give me a call today.   Lisa Brusate -248.528.3600

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