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Miller Media salutes IBM’s 100 year anniversary!

Miller Media salutes IBM’s 100 year anniversary!

IBM joins elite group of 100-year-old companies.
Miller Media has been in business for over 25 years. We’ve been in the web technology business since 1997, so we can appreciate IBM’s ability to adapt and evolve. Just saying!
Today Big Blue joins the exclusive club of companies to have survived 100 years, a rare feat it accomplished by constantly adapting through the tumult of recessions, technology shifts and CEO succession.
It was Thomas Watson Sr. that first coined the phrase “Nothing happens until a sale is made“.
Who was Thomas Watson Sr? Well, some say he was one of the greatest capitalist to ever live. We happen to agree with that statement.
He was president of International Business Machines (IBM) from 1914 to 1956.
He went on to lead the company’s growth into an international force. Watson developed IBM’s distinctive management style and corporate culture, and turned the company into a highly-effective selling organization. He was absolutely right if you really think about it.
Nothing does happen until a sale is made. Every company has to sell something to exist.

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