4 Tips for Successful Concept Testing

4 Tips for Successful Concept Testing

Concept testing is a great way to engage with customers and maximize time and money on a new product idea effectively. Here are 4 tips to help the concept testing process smoother: 

  1. Include an intro screen/card 

Having an intro can help testers know where to start and know what they are looking for. It can be a graphic explaining the goal and the problem the product is trying to solve. 

2. Make it easy to start over 

For digital experiences make a home, back, or re-start button easy to find. For printed or manufactured products provide sample sizes so you don’t have a huge inventory. Create a survey, review, or checklist a tester can send back. 

3. K.I.S.S.

Keep It Simple Silly. Break the project up into small simple tasks and delegate to multiple people. For example, if you are testing a website check on-page at a time, then make corrections. After that move on to the next page and do the same process. Look at the whole website internally before the launch.

4. Work with a digital marketing firm 

Sometimes there are too many avenues to explore. A digital marketing firm can explore all of them for you or help your company find the most effective testing area for your product. Experts at a firm also can organize the data so it is easy to understand. This will be useful when making corrections or figuring out when to launch. 

Start your concept test today! Call 248.528.3600. 

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