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Still Waiting to Go Mobile Friendly? TIMES UP!

Still Waiting to Go Mobile Friendly? TIMES UP!

Mobile Website Design is no longer an option!

As many Web professionals are aware, Google recently announced that mobile-friendly sites will be getting an extra boost over their non-mobile counterparts, meaning that those who are still not mobile, have waited long enough.
Last year, Google rolled out the original mobile-friendly update coined by the industry as “Mobilegeddon” but when the dust settled the update had made an underwhelming impact.  Some speculate that the update was throttled or scaled back due to the sheer number of sites that were not mobile friendly at the time.   After recently announcing that the mobile update will be given more weight in the ranking algorithm, we can all agree that having a mobile friendly website is more important than ever and waiting is no longer an option.  Read More about: Mobile Web Design | Responsive Web Design


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